
The Real Freedom fiber system provides unparalleled flexibility of operation. Multiple RF cameras incorporating camera control may be deployed from a single remote site utilizing a single SMPTE hybrid fiber cable.

The system consists of a fiber base unit which integrates with a Real Freedom Receiver for command and control along with a remote fiber unit. The base and remote units are linked together by a single SMPTE hybrid or single mode dual fiber cable. The base unit may either be stand-alone (IFB-3211), or rack mounted. The rack mount fiber base unit described in this manual incorporates a UHF splitter which provides multiple RF receiving paths allowing up to six Real Freedom Receivers to be simultaneously supported by a single fiber base unit.

The system’s intelligent connectivity notifies the Real Freedom Receiver of the presence of Real Freedom fiber units within the network, including the status and control of any attached Real Freedom Data Transmitter and Downconverters. Fiber optic signal levels and real-time health check reporting are displayed on the receiver, alerting you when RF performance is affected.