Camera control

You need to set the camera control frequency, which is the frequency used by the data transmitter to send camera control data to the camera back transmitter. You also need to ensure that the camera type and ID are set correctly.

Table 1. Camera control configuration
Setting Description
Camera Control

Sets the required camera control frequency.

Tap the current value, change the numbers to the required frequency, and tap Done.

Camera Type/ID

Tap the camera number icon to display the Camera Control page. Use this page to define the camera ID and type.

When you have selected the appropriate settings, tap the Back icon to return to the main page.


RSSI shows the received signal strength. When measured in negative numbers, a number that is closer to zero usually means a better signal.

SNR shows the signal to noise ratio, which is the difference between the data transmitter’s signal strength and the background noise. A low SNR decreases throughput and data rate.

Tally A tally is a signal sent from the production workflow to the camera indicating that the camera is ‘live’. This normally displays as a red or green light on the camera to show the presenter that the camera is live and in the camera viewfinder to alert the camera operator. When the tally signal is activated, ‘Tally’ shows red or green indicator.