Active UHF splitter

Common questions and answers to help you learn more about the Real Freedom Active UHF Splitter and solve any issues that you may encounter. You should also refer to Active UHF splitter troubleshooting for other information.

When should I use an active UHF splitter?
Use an active UHF splitter when you want to split the RF output from RF input A and B. Each output forms a single RF input to a Real Freedom Receiver allowing you to connect up to six Real Freedom Receivers.
How do I connect an active UHF splitter to a receiver?

Use coaxial cables to connect the outputs (RF OUT A and RF OUT B) on the Real Freedom Active UHF Splitter to the BNC connectors on the back of Real Freedom Receivers (RF1 and RF2). You can connect the RF outputs to up to six receivers.

What do the LEDs on the active UHF splitter mean?
The LED indicators (A and B) on the Real Freedom Active UHF Splitter help you to determine whether the splitter is in active or passive split mode. Refer to UHF splitter status LEDs for more information.
How do I check fiber optic signal levels, voltages, and currents of connected equipment?
Use the receiver's Fiber Status page.
When does an active UHF splitter require DC power?
The UHF splitter requires DC power if you do not want to use the receiver’s phantom power or when you are using the splitter with third-party equipment.
Can I install an active UHF splitter in an equipment rack?

Yes, you can install a Real Freedom Active UHF Splitter in a standard 19-inch (48.3 cm) equipment rack. A rack mount kit (20006-9-005) allows you to mount two UHF splitters side by side.