Fiber antenna extender

Common questions and answers to help you learn more about the Real Freedom Fiber Antenna Extender and solve any issues that you may encounter. You should also refer to Fiber antenna extender troubleshooting for other information.

How do I configure a fiber antenna extender?
Once you supply power, the Real Freedom Receiver automatically detects the fiber base and remote units and configures itself appropriately. If RF levels are low and the system includes an active UHF splitter, you can add a gain boost from the receiver's Fiber menu.
What do the LEDs on the fiber base and fiber remote units mean?
The LED indicators on the fiber units help you to determine whether the units are operating correctly. Refer to Fiber base unit status LEDs and Fiber remote unit status LEDs for more information.
How do I connect a fiber base unit to a receiver?
Use coaxial cables to connect the outputs (RF1 and RF2) from the base unit to the BNC connectors on the back of a Real Freedom Receiver (RF1 and RF2).
Important: You must make the coaxial connections to sequential RF input pairs on the receiver (for example, RF1/RF2 or RF3/RF4 or RF5/RF6 or RF7/RF8) when used in single (normal) pedestal mode. When used in dual pedestal (single stream) mode, the connections from the fiber base to the receiver must be (RF2/RF4 or RF6/RF8).
How many downconverters can I connect to a fiber remote unit?
You can connect two downconverters to a fiber remote unit using the RF1/RF2 BNC connectors.
How do I connect a fiber remote unit to a fiber base unit?
Use a fiber cable to connect the fiber remote unit to the fiber base unit. FC/APC – S & D connectors and hybrid SMPTE are typically the most used connectors, but other connector types are available.
Does the fiber remote unit need power?
When using SMPTE, the remote unit does not need power unless the fiber length exceeds two kilometers. If you are using other fiber connectors, for example, ST or LC, then these do not include a means for power insertion over the fiber and you must power the remote unit locally.
How do I check fiber optic signal levels, voltages, and currents of connected equipment?
Use the receiver's Fiber Status page.
Can I mount a fiber unit on a pole?
Yes, the Real Freedom Fiber Base and Fiber Remote units are supplied with a removable mounting bracket which allows you to mount the unit to a pole for temporary or permanent installation. Refer to the pole mount procedure for more information.
Can I mount a fiber unit on a lighting stand or camera mount?
Yes, you can mount a fiber base or remote unit on a standard Manfrotto lighting stand, camera mount, repro arm, magic arm, clamp, or Dado kit using a ¼-20 camera mount screw. Refer to the installation procedure using ¼-20 UNC mounts for more information.